Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Go or Not To Go, That is the Question

So you’ve chosen SMU as your college of choice. Or maybe it’s a stepping stone to another college but either way you’re here. So how did you make that decision? Was it based on distance? I think many students make their college decision based solely or at least mostly because of how far it is from home. That was certainly one of my factors but not the only factor. If you’re close to home at SMU and can get home whenever you like, how would you feel going to a college on the other side of the country or even out of the country? If you live far from home since coming to SMU, how would you like to live within 20 miles of your home while going to college? Obviously you’ve already made up your mind on these questions because you’re here, but looking back on the college selection process, what do you make of these questions now?
Those questions are some things I thought about while performing the college search and I chose the “live close to home” option for a few reasons. One reason is because home is where the money is. I don’t mean to sound shallow or greedy in any way it’s just that for me, it made the most sense to be able to see my parents face to face whenever I need some cash. Another reason is the move in. I’ve been in a dorm for almost 2 weeks now and I’m still thinking of stuff I need to bring back from home that would help dorm life so living close makes it easy to go get things. Next reason, the commute. Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars for a few hours in the air every time they come home or for that matter who wants to spend the possible hundreds in gas to drive home! If you live close the cost is cut down quite possibly exponentially. Ok that might be a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point. Also going along with the commute, I’m familiar with the area much more so than I would be if I were from out of state.
While going to a far away college can help get you out of your comfort zone and often times teach you new ways of life in new areas, living close to home can do much the same thing. So which is better? By coming to SMU you’ve already made that choice but are you rethinking it yet?


NOLA girl said...

Unlike you I live pretty far away from SMU. It's only a short 55 minute flight or a long 8 hour drive home. I have always wanted to to go a college away from home though. I wanted to experience a new way of life rather than staying with the same people and routine. Most of my frinds went my local state university and they all say its just like high school plus a few new people. They all still go out together and see all the same people. Of course I miss them and can't wait for my visit home but they also can't wait to come visit me and meet all my new friends. I have met so many great people here in only 2 weeks. I understand where you are coming from about staying close to home but there are also benefits of leaving home.

Lucy said...

Like Nola girl, I'm not from dallas. I am a 2 hour plane ride or a 12 hour car ride. This spring I had to make the decision to either move out here or go to a college 1 hour away from me. These past 2 weeks have made me wonder if I made the right choice. After reading this blog I believe I did. Yes I am homesick. I would love to see my friends, use my own shower, and get my parents to do my laundry... but I believe change is what college is about. I know that if I went to school 1 hour away I would have already gone home for a family meal or for those few things I left behind. I think that college forces you to stop relying on those things you had in high school. I have met so many different new people. Like Nola girl, if I had stayed close to home I would be hanging out with the same people.
Thanks for this blog Genesis. You helped realize that I made the right choise.

This is me...then said...

To pick up where you left off, no, I am defintely not rethinking my decision to come to SMU. SMU is AWESOME and I am extremely thrilled to be here!! I too am local, but my reasons for coming to SMU differ greatly. I was more concerned with SMU’s campus life and resources. Even though SMU is only forty five minutes away from home, I set out with no intentions of returning home because I wanted to experience new things. Distance was a factor when I chose SMU, but I knew that the atmosphere here would be completely different than that of Mansfield, mainly because it is much more urbanized. I definitely agree with you, that living close to home can teach you much the same thing as coming from far away. I couldn’t imagine meeting the wonderful people and experiencing the great times I have at SMU even 45 minutes away. SMU was definitely the right decision for me and I'm glad I didn't have to travel half way across the country to break out of my comfort zone.